Here you´ll find the information about the BAFöG-program and how to claim the financial support aswell as the contact persons.

Under § 48 of the Federal Training Assistance Act (BAFöG), a student can only claim financial support for their education from their fifth semester onward if they have achieved the standard number of ECTS credit points by the end of their fourth program-related semester, assuming that their education has taken the standard course up to that point. Bachelor’s and master’s students submit a Transcript of Records to the BAföG office directly in order to claim. The process will run smoothly if they have obtained the necessary number of credit points.

You can contact the Examination Office1 if you have any questions about BAFöG. The Examination Office is also responsible for issuing and signing certifications for you.

Credit points required

Credit points required on the Geography B.Sc. degree program at the University of Bonn:

  • Achievements after the 3rd semester: 66 CPs
  • Achievements after the 4th semester: 90 CPs
  • Achievements after the 5th semester: 105 CPs
  • Achievements after the 6th semester: 130 CPs

Please note that these figures do not take account of the extension to the standard period of study granted by the NRW regulations introduced in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

The form entitled “Leistungsbescheinigung nach § 48 BAföG (Formblatt 5)” (“Certification of achievement in accordance with § 48 BAföG (Form 5)”) can be submitted instead of the ToR. This will need to be signed by one of the following teachers at the University:

Prof. Dr. Michael Hofmann
Institut für Zoologie
Poppelsdorfer Schloss
0228 - 73 3807

Prof. Dr. Robert Glaum
Institut für Anorganische Chemie
Gerhard-Domagk-Str. 1
0228 - 73 5353

Further information about the BAFöG can be found here:

Amt für Ausbildungsförderung
Nassestraße 11
53113 Bonn
0228 - 73 7171


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Examination Office

Examination Office

0.008 (103)

Meckenheimer Allee 166

53115 Bonn

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