The first consortium meeting of this year 2021 aimed to exchange on the different activities and status quo. Some of the most important current activities are (1) U-BN’s acquisition of the TanDEM-X 12meter DEM from the German Aerospace Agency (DLR) and further data for modelling, (2) HS-M started to publish the source code of the ProMaIDeS model with videos and training data and conducted a crash course, (3) U-FR further analyses the existing policy frameworks and prepares the stakeholder network analysis of FDRM, and (4) HKC launched its Floodlabel community survey. The online survey is proceeding as planned and having a steady increasing response. This survey was realised together with WRC and NADMO.
Challenges discussed was mainly on the impact of COVID-19 travel restrictions on the field survey of HKC and the planned community survey of U-BN. Delays are expected, however the partners think this will not affect the milestones, deliverables and quality of the output of the project.
The 1st Stakeholder workshop will be in a virtual or hybrid-virtual format and is planned on the 3rd week of April 2021. In summary the aim of the workshop is to gain more insights from stakeholders about their views and knowledge on flood disaster, impact on critical infrastructure and adaptation measures.
Some of the partners will present their PARADeS related research activities in the European Geosciences Union (EGU) conference 2021. The topics to be presented are on participatory governance, approaches on stakeholder participation, conceptualisation of Critical Infrastructure Network model for flood risk assessments and the findings from the definition phase regarding flood risk management in Ghana, the gaps and opportunity to improve resilience.
Further information about the published works on the ProMaIDeS model:
Online course ProMaiDes:
ProMaIdes damage calculation:
How to make a dam-raster in QGIS:
Some theory (this is currently under construction):