Universität Bonn

12. August 2022

Consortium Meeting December 2021 Consortium Meeting December 2021

The end-year PARADeS consortium meeting took place on 16th December 2021. The purpose of the meeting was to present and discuss with the consortium especially to our Ghanaian partners the plans and feasibility in undertaking the main project activities for the 1st quarter of 2022.

Consortium Meeting December 2021
Consortium Meeting December 2021 © PARADeS
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The end-year PARADeS consortium meeting took place on 16th December 2021. The purpose of the meeting was to present and discuss with the consortium especially to our Ghanaian partners the plans and feasibility in undertaking the main project activities for the 1st quarter of 2022. These included the organization of the stakeholder workshop and planned field activities in Ghana between February and April 2022. Plans for the 1st quarter stakeholder workshop have taken into account the unforeseen conditions and international travel restrictions from the COVID-19 Pandemic. A hybrid workshop or its postponement at a later date are options taken if a physical workshop is not possible due to the COVID-19 situation. The objectives of the planned workshop are on:

·       participatory development of final scenario and measure.

·       participatory assessment of the political and institutional framework as well as the political actor networks and adaptation of starting points for the integration of cascading effects in political regulation and governance.

·       participatory validation of the identified critical infrastructure systems

·       collecting user requirements for the GaPS-fDSS

Additionally, important issues discussed were on the preparation towards the milestones presentation by the German partners in January 2022 in Germany.

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