The German consortium partners' physical meeting/workshop on the PARADeS project took place in Bonn, at the Department of Geography, University of Bonn, from 8th to 9th November 2021. The purpose of the meeting was to interact and discuss the status of project activities, achievements, and the challenges encountered to reach the targeted milestones of the 1st half of the project. The participants of the consortium meeting were the University of Bonn (Host), University of Freiburg, Flood Competence Center (HochwasserKompetenzCentrum), and the University of applied sciences, Magdeburg. As the first physical meeting, since the commencement of the project, it yielded important discussions and allowed sharing of ideas and inputs among partners in Germany. It also allowed discussions to mainstream efforts towards the achievement of the project goals and reporting on the milestones. It was an opportunity for planning for the next meetings, workshops, and fieldwork activities for 2022 in Ghana. Overall, the German consortium partners were pleased with the progress of activities of all the partners and are optimistic that the project’s milestones and goals are likely to be achieved within the stipulated time frame.
12. August 2022
German Partners Meeting November 2021 German Partners Meeting November 2021
The German consortium partners' physical meeting/workshop on the PARADeS project took place in Bonn, at the Department of Geography, University of Bonn, from 8th to 9th November 2021.
Group picture of the German partners meeting
© M. Tuschen
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