Universität Bonn

© R. Schotten


Out now:

The PARADeS Handbook includuing all important aspects and outcomes of the project. Access here1.

Ziga-Abortta, F. R., Utami, D. P. & Kruse, S. (2024). Flood disaster risk management in Ghana: The institutional landscape. PARADeS Project. https://doi.org/10.6094/UNIFR/2488872

Ziga-Abortta, F. R., Hagan, E. & Kruse, S. (2024). Flood disaster risk management in Ghana: Fragile or resilient policy networks? PARADeS Project. https://doi.org/10.6094/UNIFR/2488883

Almoradie, A., Brito, M. M. de, Evers, M., Bossa, A., Lumor, M., Norman, C., Yacouba, Y., & Hounkpe, J. (2020). Current flood risk management practices in Ghana: Gaps and opportunities for improving resilience. Journal of Flood Risk Management, 13(4), Article e12664. https://doi.org/10.1111/jfr3.126644

Evers, M., Almoradie, A., Brito, M. M. de, Höllermann, B., Ntajal, J., Lumor, M., Bossa, A., Norman, C., Yira Yacouba, Y. Y., & Jean Hounkpe, J. H. (2021). Flood risk management in Ghana: gaps, opportunities, and socio-technical tools for improving resilience. https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-119805

Evers, M., Almoradie, A., Ntajal, J., Höllermann, B., Johann, G., Meyer, H., Schüttrumpf, A., Kruse, S., Ziga-Abortta, F., Bachmann, D., Schotten, R., Lumor, M., Norman, C., & Adjei, K. (2023). Pro-active flood risk managment using a transdisciplinary multi-method-approach. https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-11980 6

Evers, M., Almoradie, A., Ntajal, J., Höllermann, B., Johann, G., Meyer, H., Kruse, S., Ziga-Abortta, F., Bachmann, D., Schotten, R., Lumor, M., Norman, C. & Adjei, K. (2024). Lessons Learned from PARADeS Project for Flood Disaster Risk Planning and Management in Ghana. https://doi.org/10.48565/bonndoc-1957

Evers, M., Kruse, S., Almoradie, A. & Tuschen, M. (Eds.) (2023). Managing Flood Disaster Risk in Ghana. Findings, Products and Recommendations. https://doi.org/10.6094/UNIFR/2427261

Höllermann, B., & Ntajal, J. (2023). Managing participants, expectations and surprises during fieldwork – Experiences from collaborative flood risk management in Ghana. https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-2078

Höllermann, B., & Riemann, L. (2023). Stakeholder Engagement: Lessons Learned [MOOClecture]. In Kruse, S., Riemann, L., Pareek, K., Ziga-Abortta, F.R. & Höllermann, B. (Eds) Enhancing collaboration in flood disaster risk management. Available at https://www.hkc-online.de/en/Projects/PARADeS-Open-Learning-Content#6CA9   

Höllermann, B., Ntajal, J., Almoradie, A. & Evers, M. (2023) Beyond Reactive Approaches: Building Resilience in Flood Risk Management in Ghana. Deutscher Kongress für Geographie September 2023

Höllermann, B., Ntajal, J., Almoradie, A. & Evers, M. (2023). To Adapt or Mal-Adapt? Taking a collaborative lens to look beyond the human-flood system for sustainable and resilient flood risk management in Ghana. Panta Rhei Symposium.

Kruse, S., Millán Espinosa, J. C., Ziga-Abortta, F. R. & Oteng-Ababio, M. (2024) Explaining enforcement gaps in flood risks sensitive land use governance (in preparation)

Kruse, S., Riemann, L., Pareek, K., Ziga-Abortta, F.R. & Höllermann, B. (Eds.) Enhancing collaboration in flood disaster risk management. [MOOClecture] Available at https://www.hkc-online.de/en/Projects/PARADeS-Open-Learning-Content#6CA9

Meier, P., Meyer, H., Schüttrumpf, A., & Johann, G. (2021). Der Hochwasser-Pass im nationalen und internationalen Einsatz zur Unterstützung der Eigenvorsorge. Wasser Und Abfall, 23(4), 40–46. https://doi.org/10.1007/s35152-021-0617-210  

Meier, P., Meyer, H., Schüttrumpf, A., & Johann, G. (2021). Empowering Citizens’ Resilience—The FLOODLABEL. In H.-Y. Jeon (Ed.), Environmental Science and Engineering. Sustainable Development of Water and Environment (pp. 229–242). Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-75278-1_2111

Meier, P., Meyer, H., Schüttrumpf, A., & Johann, G. (2023). Forschungsergebnisse zum Hochwasser-Pass aus internationalen Projekten und Potenzial für Deutschland. Wasser Und Abfall, 25(6), 14–19.

Meyer, H., Johann, G. (2023). Homeowners’ capacity for flood resilience. An exploration in Ghana. (in preperation).

Schotten, R. & Bachmann, D. (2022). Critical infrastructure network modelling for flood risk analyses: Approach and proof of concept in Accra, Ghana. J Flood Risk Management, 16(3). https://doi.org/10.1111/jfr3.1291312

Schotten, R., & Bachmann, D. (2023). Integrating Critical Infrastructure Networks into Flood Risk Management. Sustainability, 15(6), 5475. https://doi.org/10.3390/su1506547513  

Schotten, R., Meyer, H. & Norman, C. (2023). Policy Brief 2023: Flood Protection Measures for Households Recommendation for specific communities and appropriate flood protection level in Accra Metropolitan Area, Ghana

Schotten, R., Bachmann, D. Catalogue of Flood Risk Management Measures for Critical Infrastructure Networks including a Case Study of a Network Model (Drafting stage).

Schotten, R., Mühlhofer, E., Chatzistefanou, A., Bachmann, D., Chen, A., Koks, E. Data Scarcity in Critical Infrastructure Network Modelling of Natural Hazard Impacts: Influence on Model Characteristics and Mitigation Strategies. Resilient Cities & Infrastructure (Under Review. http://dx.doi.org/10.31223/X5D11V14)

Ziga-Abortta, F. R. (2023) Shared ideas in flood disaster risk management: a policy network analysis. Environmental Policy and Governance (Under Review)

Ziga-Abortta, F. R., & Kruse, S. (2023). What drives vulnerability? Explaining the institutional context of flood disaster risk management in Sub-Saharan Africa. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 97, 104054. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2023.10405415

Ziga-Abortta, F. R., Kruse, S., Höllermann, B., & Ntajal, J. (2021). Stakeholder Participation in Flood-Related Disaster Risk Management in Ghana. https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1081916

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