Please note the deadline for registration by submitting the registration form until 31st March 2025 / 31.3.2025.
For logistical reasons, the capacity to join the field presentations is limited due to travelling and accommodation capacities. Places will be reserved on a first registered - first reserved basis - so, don’t be (too) late, please.
A registration form is available for download by the links on the right.
Please submit your registration by email to
The general conference fees for the oral and poster presentation in Bonn (9.-11.6.2025) are 90 € for everybody (unfortunately, no reductions are available).
Due to additional costs for accommodation and transport, the fees for participation in the field presentations (12.-14.6.2025) are 200 € for everybody in addition to the general conference fee (unfortunately, no reductions are available).
Payments will be made by bank transfer to an account of the University of Bonn based on individual invoices sent to participants after returning the registration form (cf. above). The payment has to be made in advance of the conference, payment by e.g. credit card or cash is not available. Unfortunately, no refund is available for cancellations - so please check individual insurance perspectives for travel cancellation.
The conference is generously financially supported by German Research Foundation DFG, the Commission on Terrestrial Processes, Deposits & History TERPRO of the International Union For Quaternary Research INQUA, and the Department of Geography of Bonn University.
Early career scientists and participants located in countries of emerging economies might apply for financial support based on the grant by TERPRO of INQUA. Interested participants might apply by sending a CV and filled-out registration form of the conference to until 14th of March 2025 (hence before the deadline of the conference is reached).
For further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the local organiser by sending an email to: